Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Extra Credit Blog

Before this course I had used blogs in my high school English class. I was very much aware with this same program as well since it was the same one I used. The blogs I previously wrote were book reports and analysis of the authors and their style of writing. I really enjoy using blogs for this class, or any other for that matter, because they are a great way to readily communicate your ideas on a specific topic, design it to your preference, and see other students blogs and learn as if your were discussing. It allows you to be creative and really express what you have learned from the material at hand. I didn’t really encounter too much difficulty with the blogs. The set up and design are pretty self explanatory and any college student should be able to navigate around one. The format this class asked for in writing them was also fairly simple and let you show your character with the design choice but still show further understanding by inserting media. The easier blogs I felt were the ones related to the films we watched in class. The films are a bit more opinionated and probably more interesting for the grader to hear different information than just the same stuff regurgitated. I would absolutely recommend that blogs be used continually in this course, especially since it is a media studies class and there is a lot of room for technological creativity. The only thing I would think to change about the blogs in the future is the grading style. It is hard to maintain a decent grade on some blogs because if you get a 2/3 for a minor mistake that is already a 66% and you failed. However, overall the experience of the blog and the class was helpful and informative and I enjoyed it!